Thankful Revolution's photostream

Revised Old Town Alexandria, Virginia Narration Video on Vimeo by Miriam StevensRevised Church Matters:  Silly & Serious for those seeking wisdom on giving a church testimony on Vimeo by Miriam StevensEricka WardEricka Ward sign in at The Needs NetworkEricka Ward at The Needs NetworkKim's father, Jack Chase, is the founder of The Needs Network
The Needs Network serves the communityVariety of items can be found at The Needs NetworkVariety of items can be found at The Needs NetworkVolunteers always welcomed to serve at The Needs NetworkEricka Ward at The Needs NetworkVolunteers always welcomed to serve at The Needs Network
Ericka Ward at The Needs NetworkThe Needs NetworkThe Needs NetworkThe Needs NetworkThe Needs NetworkEricka Ward at The Needs Network
Ericka Ward at The Needs NetworkEricka Ward greets a customer at The Needs NetworkFoster MeadorsEricka Ward at The Needs NetworkThe Needs Network helps those in the communityMr. Meadors and Ericka Ward sharing good news at The Needs Network

Also check out this video at the Thankful Revolution it is an excellent 2 minute introduction to Old Town Alexandria, Virginia. LInk is

Awesome capturing of the hidden small town jewel nestled adjacent to the Metropolitan big city life of our nation's capital - Washington, D.C. for more information visit
