Learn More about the Virtue Project that Duke and Duchess use to help Children in CAPP
You can find out more Information on the 52 Virtues Duke and Duchess McCaskill use for educating our youth and families. Bringing Virtues to LIfe in the Hampton Roads Community is what Duke and Duchess McCaskill are doing through CAPP
You can find out more Information on the 52 Virtues Duke and Duchess McCaskill use for educating our youth and families. Bringing Virtues to LIfe in the Hampton Roads Community is what Duke and Duchess McCaskill are doing through CAPP
Presenters: Linda Kavelin Popov, co-founder of The Virtues Project and inspiring international speaker and Reverend “Duke” Eric McCaskill Co-founder of the Alpha & Omega Institute, Virtues
Project Master Facilitator
Project Master Facilitator
THE VIRTUES PROJECT - Awakening the Gifts of Character
Leadership at WorkSuccessful leaders inspire and empower others to succeed. And people watch what they do, more than what they say. Trusted leaders are the first to demonstrate integrity in the way they speak, act, and treat their colleagues and their clients.Every mission statement contains a promise of virtues such as honesty, service, and excellence. A virtues-based organization brings that promise to life and sustains it with unity and trust. Many of today's graduates are keenly idealistic. It isn't enough for them to make a living -- they want to make a difference. Organizations that offer social responsibility, transparency, and a joyful, unified work environment are the ones that can attract and keep them. Clients such as Hallmark Cards, MacMillan Bloedel, Spelman College, Telecom Fiji, and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation have found the Five Strategies of The Virtues Project to be empowering communication skills that build passionate commitment and loyalty. They bring out the best in every team. Eric “Duke” McCaskill Virginia, USA. He often speaks on “From Bullyship to Leadership”, and works with youth and adult audiences. A powerful presenter, who integrates music into his engaging presentations. ermack58@yahool.com or contact him on Facebook Above information found on the following online link: where you can learn more about the Virtue's Initiative just click on this line What are others saying about Minister Eric "Duke" McCaskill: Information below found in The Urban Socialite 7Cities article Newport NewsAqueduct project attempts to stop crime in Denbigh through program aimed at childrenNEWPORT NEWS — Stopping the cycle of violence in Aqueduct Apartments might require changing the thinking of the next generation, which is the goal of a grass-roots project being offered at the complex."This is like the epicenter of a cultural earthquake," said Eric "Rev. Duke" McCaskill, the project's leader. "This is a cultural crisis that we're in." In October, McCaskill started the project, "It takes a village with virtues," in Aqueduct. During the weekly sessions held at the Boys and Girls Club, located at the apartment complex, the children learn the meanings of various virtues, such as assertiveness, self-discipline, generosity, honesty and trustworthiness. Instilling positive traits might unify the neighborhood, McCaskill said. To learn more about the CAPP Project and upcoming fundraiser in June 2011 check out the latest article Eric "Duke'" and Linda "Duchess" McCaskill explaining the 52 Virtues for finding your T.I. (True Identity) at http://www.facebook.com/thankfulrevolution and http://www.myspace.com/thankfulrevolution Learn how you can make a difference in helping to Save our Children! |
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Email: ermack58@yahoo.com,
Facebook: Eric Duke McCaskill